ZestADZ is now available on AdWhirl

ZestADZ is now available on AdWhirl Mediation Layer (iPhone only, Android support coming soon). AdWhirl enables publishers to use a mediation layer to route traffic automatically, depending upon the allocation to different networks.

How to use ZestADZ with AdWhirl?

Create an account with ZestADZ

Create a site / app and get the Site Id (also called cid)

Register on AdWhirl ad download the AdWhirl SDK

Add the ZestADZ Site id into the API Key field on AdWhirl

Switch on ZestADZ and enter the traffic percentage as desired.

Download AdWhirl SDK and add the AdWhirl folder into your Xcode Project.  In the AdWhirl folder, you’ll find two files (AdWhirlDelegateProtocol.h, AdWhirlView.h) and three folders (adapters/, internal/, legacy/)

Add TouchJSON into your project.

Download ZestADZ iPhone SDK

ZestADZ provides a universal binary for all iPhone SDK versions. Unzip the downloaded SDK and  drag the ZestADZ  folder into your Xcode Project Folder containing ZestadzDelegateProtocol.h, ZestadzView.h and libZestADZ.a)

Follow instructions given on AdWhirl to complete integration and to compile and run to see ads from ZestADZ.