Updated: Publisher Reports API now available with Country-wise data

Note:  A minor edit in the URL was done to rectify the mistake in the earlier post

The Publisher Reports API which delivers a XML feed for the reporting data now has country wise reporting available for your convenience.


The XML reports request consists of 3 parameters

Key: It’s a unique value and should not be changed. If any changes are made, the request cannot be completed.

cid: This is the site id for Site & App. This Id is available for each Site or App that you have created within your console and can be changed to get XML reports for a different Site & App

Date: The date can be changed to generate the XML reports for the required date.

For Eg, to get the XML feeds for January 20, 2009, the above mentioned URL has to be modified as follows. I.e. in the URL the date has to be modified (Date format – DD-MMM-YYYY). The resultant response will be as follows

Note the slight difference in the request URL as opposed to regular reports. The report data is delivered in the format below.

Would you rather see  graphical reports?.

Log on to ZestADZ analytics (http://analytics.zestadz.com) with the same account information (its free) and view detailed reporting including country wise reporting, unique user data and more.

All above numbers are just Indicative samples and do not represent actual data. Please write to support [at] zestadz.com if you have any queries relating to Advertiser Reports API.

ZestADZ Engineering Team

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